Artists recommend Cartotecnica Rossi

Since time immemorial, the end of the year has been a time for review and analysis. How many people chose and recommended our paper? Here is a brief report for the year 2024.
On social media, the hashtag #cartotecnicarossi has exceeded 65.8 thousand posts while the hashtag #italiancrepepaper has reached 13.5 thousand posts (remember that Cartotecnica Rossi is the only Italian producer of crepe paper).
In this past year, the following artists have continued to talk about us, helping to turn the spotlight on our products:
• Julia of Love and Green Paper with 'Crepe paper flowers easy to make'
«The Italian company Cartotecnica Rossi is renowned for its high-quality crepe papers.»
• Signe Scharling with 'Types of crepe paper'
«The Italian crepe paper is the most common crepe paper. It is - as the name suggests - produced in Italy. The largest manufacturer is Cartotecnica Rossi.»
• Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey with 'How to Create with Cartotecnica Rossi Italian Crepe Paper'
«When it comes to making paper flowers, choosing the right weight of Italian crepe paper is essential to achieving the desired look and feel of your flowers. Cartotecnica Rossi offers a range of weights to make both larger than life and small tiny flowers.»
• Laura of Atelier Haïlane with 'What is a paper flower?'
«The world's leading supplier of flower paper is located in Italy: Cartotecnica Rossi. Its products are FSC certified and it does not use any toxic products in its production.»
• Tania Repetti of La Casa di Tania with 'Paper flowers, let's start with the basics'
«You can buy the 180g paper directly online from Cartotecnica Rossi, there you will find a mind-blowing range of colors and shades that you will not find in tissue paper and cardboard.»
• Carrie Walters of Paper Rose Co. with 'New colors from Cartotecnica Rossi'
«For over a decade, I’ve been a loyal fan of Cartotecnica Rossi’s paper, and when they launched their 90g “Artistic” line in 2020, I quickly jumped on board. This paper is lighter, more flexible, and allows me to create more delicate pieces of art. A few new colors have been added to this line since its launch, but as of today, that total is nearly doubling!»
• Patty Barale of Fiori Fantastici with 'The elegance of crepe'
«In particular, I find the one produced by Cartotecnica Rossi to be perfect, which has an optimal consistency and offers an exceptional range of colors, including shaded, two-tone, and metallic variants.»
• Nathalie Kovacs of Jolie Petite Fleur with 'A brief introduction to paper flowers'
«For my flowers, I use exclusively Italian crepe paper made by Cartotecnica Rossi. It is a product that lends itself perfectly to this type of work. Available in different weights, the one I use is different from school crepe paper because it is 250% expandable.»
Thanks to all those who, even in 2024, decided to create together with us!