Cartotecnica Rossi is on Faust Magazine

18 Jul 2022
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Cartotecnica Rossi is on Faust Magazine!
Not only crepe paper to create, but also to enhance.
Elegance, energy, freedom.
Editorial Canopée
Publication @faust.magazine.officiel
Photographe: Jude P. @judefotografy
Directrice artistique / Artiste papier: Anna Belyavina-Normand @anbelnor
Papier: Cartotecnica Rossi @cartotecnicarossi
Make-up artiste: Linda Ben @linda_make_up_artist
Modèle: Min Zhou @min_modelparis
Modèle: May Dilion @maydilion
Models Management: @blake.modelmgmt @upmodelsparis
Post-production: RJ Retouch @rjretouch