Falling in love with Cartotecnica Rossi

1 Feb 2021
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Make this Valentine's Day extra special!
Don't miss three amazing Instagram Lives to talk about love, flowers and - of course - tutorials!
???? February, 8: Roberta Debernardi of Hana Trieste
???? February, 10: Susan Bonn of Susan Bonn Designs
???? February, 12: Roberta Flagiello of Primavera di Carta
Check your time zone, the appointments will all be at:
18.00 / 06.00 pm (CET)
12.00 pm (EST)
09.00 am (PT)
20.00 / 08.00 pm (MSK)
Come and interact with us, we are waiting for you on @cartotecnicarossi!